Advertising Packs

Olympic Games Paris



July International Rugby



Rugby Championship 2024



ANZ Netball Premiership 2024



Formula 1



June Roadshow



Neon Digital Advertising



Bunnings NPC 2024



NRL Premiership 2024



Media Planning and Buying

We sell advertising in several different ways:

Rating Channels – Sky Open, Sky Sport, Sky Movies Premiere, History, BBC UKTV, Sky 5, Crime+Investigation, JONES!, JONES! too, Vibe, MTV, Comedy Central, Universal TV are sold at a negotiated net CPT, or on a rate per spot basis.

Other channels are categorised as specialist or environmental channels because they attract defined target audiences. These channels are sold as a rate per spot.

Sky Open carries advertising nationally, as do the Sky Advertising channels.

Key properties such as LIVE International Rugby are sold in packages.
Sky Advertising plans and books campaigns on behalf of advertisers.

Sky Advertising Sales sells advertising on 30+ Sky channels.

With over 30 demographics available, Sky Advertising Sales can plan, book and monitor advertising campaigns based on client requirements.

Sky subscription channel programming schedules can vary, especially for LIVE sport. Available inventory can vary up to only a few days or hours from transmission. Sky Advertising Sales co-ordinators will monitor and manage your campaign to meet your objectives.
Duration Cost as % of 30 second rate
15 seconds 60%
30 seconds 100%
45 seconds 145%
60 seconds 180%
75 seconds 250%
90 seconds 300%
105 seconds 350%
120 seconds 400%


We can tailor a sponsorship to meet your needs, fulfil individual brand, campaign and budget goals, as well as build solid creative synergy with your brand.
These sponsorships will give your brand an edge over your competition in a very competitive market.
Feel free to talk to your SKY Advertising Business Director about a sponsorship that is right for your brand, or email us at and we can design a sponsorship to fit your needs.

Benefits of Sponsorships

Sponsorships can be used to fulfil a wide variety of roles for brands, from launching of a new brand quickly and with scale, to making your brand stand out from competitors by creating a buzz around your brand or influencing the purchase decisions. 

Launch, strengthen or reposition your brand: A sponsorship campaign can be used to launch, reposition and strengthen your brand in the mind of consumers. Sponsorship builds a deep emotional relationship between the prestige of a popular programme and your brand. The association lends positive qualities to a brand as the programmes popularity and perceived values rub-off on those brands of the sponsor that associates with them. This repositions your perceived brand values within the minds of consumers and also makes your brand instantly more recognisable to them.

Makes your brand stand out: Sponsorships can be seen by viewers as separate from ad breaks, allowing your brand maximum visibility with your chosen target audience. The sponsor creates a subconscious association of product and programme for viewers, meaning that your business or brand is one that consumers will remember as it will stand out from competitors.

Target your desired customers: By choosing the right sponsorship vehicle, a brand can target their campaigns to reach desired audiences and gain new customers. By positioning your advertising within the right context, a sponsorship campaign can provide your brand with broader consumer recognition by ensuring that you receive maximum viewer attention within your targeted audience demographic.